The Department of Homeland Security transferred more than $200 million to ICE for detention and removal of migrants.

$169 million came from other departments, like FEMA and the Coast Guard. The other $33 million came from other areas within ICE.

Many people have made a big deal of this, but please note:

The department has the authority to move funds around internally with the approval of Congress and transfers are not unusual.

This sounds like a lot of money, but is a minuscule part (less than a third of one percent) of the total budget of Homeland Security, which is $65 billion.

Paul Manafort reaches ‘tentative’ plea deal with Robert Mueller

Wait a sec. Trump and Manafort may have outsmarted Mueller on this one. Paulie Numbnuts has not necessarily taken a deal. He may have just agreed to plead guilty to all the charges. That’s what I would do in his position.

That is a better option than either going to trial or agreeing to co-operate.

—- It’s better than a trial because he saves the massive legal fees he’d face from this trial plus the re-trial of the hung jury charges.

—- It’s better than an agreement to co-operate because:

* if he can avoid flipping, he can probably expect a pardon in return for his loyalty, which means freedom and no jail time on any charges, including the ones he’s already been convicted on.

* but if he trades co-operation for reduced charges or a lesser sentence, he would actually have to serve that sentence, because Trump would view co-operation as a sign of disloyalty.

I think changing his plea to guilty (with no co-operation agreement) might be the smart play, so let’s not assume he’s going to co-operate until we’ve actually seen the details.

Les Actrices Françaises Nues à l’Ecran is updated with the new French nudity for the week ending Sept 14

    • Joyce Bibring in “noces rouges”:




  • Claire-Lise Lecerf in “noces rouges”:


  • Anaïs Fabre in “noces rougfes”:

  • Alexandra Van Der Noot in “noces rouges”:

  • Camille Razat in “Bug”:

  • Maud Wyler in “la parcelle”:

  • Daphné Patakia in “Djam”:



  • Maryne Cayon in “Djam”: