Michael Moore Claims Gwen Stefani Was the Reason Donald Trump Ran for President

Michael Moore Claims Gwen Stefani Was the Reason Donald Trump Ran for President


Moore is currently saying the most outrageous things he can think of in the hope that he’ll get free print/air space. Lacking a massive advertising budget, he’s trying to drum up free publicity for his new flick. I don’t know if Michael Moore is as full of bullshit as Trump because that’s nearly impossible, but he’s gotta be a contender.

One must concede that they are both top promoters, or maybe I should say self-promoters. At least Moore tries to use his powers for good instead of evil.

Oddly enough my criticism of Fahrenheit 9/11 made a point which is approximately as valid today as it was in 2004, although it refers to a completely different President. I could change the word “unresponsive” to “dishonest” and it would apply to Trump instead of Bush.

“I have a personal rule of thumb: my opinion of which is the bigger dork, the President or Michael Moore, depends on which one has spoken last. It seems that neither of them has ever heard of that axiom that it is better to shut up and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Therefore, when he speaks, Moore seems like the bigger fool, but when he lets the President speak … well, let’s be honest, the President on camera is an unmitigated disaster. He’s arrogant, combative, verbally clumsy, immature, unsympathetic, and unresponsive. What’s more, he appears to be a complete dimwit, although he actually is not. Moore needed to give the President a lot more rope, and just let the man hang himself, rather than trying to string ‘im up personally.”


3 thoughts on “Michael Moore Claims Gwen Stefani Was the Reason Donald Trump Ran for President

  1. Like a lot of folks, I liked Moore once. Once being the operative word.

    He causes more harm than is really calculable. His screeds (yes, they are screeds) provide an immense amount of fodder for the right because they are so easily picked apart and/or shown to be just as misleading or manipulative as the “left” claims Fox is.

    Even when he does offer something of value, he invariably follows it up (often in the same interview) with a batshit comment like “Stefani is to blame for Trump.”

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