“Meghan Markle Makes Major Fashion Faux Pas “

Ooooo, bad royal!

And you just know I’m a real stickler for fashion.

Actually, I’m still wearing my softball jerseys from the 80s …

which wouldn’t be that bad, except that I’m wearing them to funerals, weddings and bar mitzvahs. Not to mention to have sex.

That last one is just hypothetical of course. I mean I would wear them if I had sex.

On another fashion note: they are ragging on Meghan for leaving the tag on her dress, but they are giving a free pass to her husband, whatever his name is (you know who I mean – the royal dude who looks like a hairy, cut-rate John McEnroe), for wearing a wrinkled off-white suit with Hush Puppy ankle booties. Is he still in prep school, trying not to scuff the floors?

One thought on ““Meghan Markle Makes Major Fashion Faux Pas “

  1. Maybe they were fixin’ on returning the dress after she was done with it! 😎 You know Harry and Meghan are only millionaires while the rest of the family are multi-millionaires. Gotta cut corners SOMEwhere!

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