“Pete Davidson Says He Doesn’t ‘Want to Be on This Earth Anymore’ and Deletes His Instagram”

Pete’s mental health issues are well-known and self-confessed


From everything I have seen and heard, Pete is an exceptionally forthright and kind-hearted person. In a cold, callous business that makes him somebody to be treasured and nurtured.

He’s also naturally funny. He made me laugh out loud when talking about Kanye’s bizarre, rambling post-show rant at SNL: “Yeah Kanye is a genius, but he’s just a MUSICAL genius. Just like Joey Chestnut is a genius at eating hot dogs, but we don’t want to hear his opinions about non-hot-dog-related matters.”

6 thoughts on ““Pete Davidson Says He Doesn’t ‘Want to Be on This Earth Anymore’ and Deletes His Instagram”

  1. Guy seems to think dyeing his hair shocking colors & getting stupid new tattoos every time he feels down will somehow change everything and make him happy or accepted or whatever he’s looking for. Doesn’t work that way. He’s a guy with no perceptible talent other than grinning goofy at the camera, who at a very young age was thrust into the national limelight by that genius of casting, Lorne Michaels. Flash forward a few years later and he’s threatening suicide on Twitter. Do the math and it makes sense; he’s in way over his troubled head. Needs to fired asap so he can go get the help he needs.

  2. I really like the kid. I usually can’t help but like people that can laugh at themselves. The fact that he has been so open and honest about his struggles with mental illness and depression while still laughing at himself is really impressive. Just about everyone was amazed when he ended up engaged to Ariana Grande. But while I can’t say I’m surprised it didn’t last, the fact that he ended up in such a serious relationship with a woman like that at the very least means he is a good kind hearted person. Social media has such a mean spirited ellement, truly disgusting people that will use the kid’s heart ache to try and make him feel even worse about himself. Remember, this is a kid that was dealing with mental illness before the break up. I really hope he comes through it ok. Doing a live show every week can’t help.

  3. I really dislike this dude. He always comes off aloof and vaguely smarmy, and he can’t get through a single sketch without laughing. He seems lazy as shit.

    1. He’s not slick and professional, that’s for sure. He’s a real outlier on the SNL team because he can’t sing or act. But I really enjoy him.

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