Trump: “I didn’t need to do this”

Well, if you didn’t need to do it, then it’s not an emergency, is it?

“I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn’t need to do this.”

An emergency, by definition, is “a serious, unexpected situation requiring immediate action.”

Trump would get away with a lot more of his nefarious schemes if he’d just keep his mouth shut. Needless to say, “keeping his mouth shut” is not one of his strong points. He’s like a super-villain who trips himself up because he reveals his secret plans to 007 or Batman, just because he wants Bond or the Caped Crusader to know how smart he is.

2 thoughts on “Trump: “I didn’t need to do this”

  1. He needed to do it: to stop the likes of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh from continuing to flamethrower his obese butt.
    General Bone Spurs, a continuing profile in courage.

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