Alabama Lawmakers Pass Bill Banning Nearly All Abortions

The bill would make it a crime for doctors to perform abortions at any stage of a pregnancy, unless a woman’s life is threatened or in case of a lethal fetal anomaly. There are no exceptions for rape or incest victims.

Assuming the law is enacted: If Alabama were a separate country, it would be have the least sophisticated abortion policy among major countries in the developed world. (Ireland had approximately the same laws, recently repealed. See the comment section.)

Of course that’s assuming Alabama would even be in the developed world without the welfare it receives from the richer states. Alabama is one of the nation’s major freeloaders, receiving more than $3.00 in Federal funds for every dollar it contributes in Federal taxes.

6 thoughts on “Alabama Lawmakers Pass Bill Banning Nearly All Abortions

  1. I do not typically well ever side with liberals but I honestly feel that both this and guns should be dropped and not be opened back up. We need to move onto other items and issues that can make a more positive impacts and not divide us further. No matter what side you sit on you have to be tired of hearing debates on these topics that will not go anywhere or be repealed in due time.

    The one exception I personally have to all of this would be late term abortions and the proposed NC bill that would have allowed the execution of a newborn after birth and what is done with the aborted fetus.

    On the comment above on the Ohio bill, we should not pay any more for contraception unless that contraception is sterilization or other permanent BC methods. We currently have controversial government funded programs in place that would cover this, lets not jack up insurance costs further on companies and individuals looking for these services.

    I do get that this would be cheaper than the govt caring for unwanted pregnancies but personal responsibility needs to start somewhere!

    1. I think I understand your point, Midwest Conservative – both guns and abortion have become such toxic issues that any attempt to discuss them implodes with hatred as soon as it starts.

      This will not happen because both sides perceive many lives being at stake. Abortion opponents consider abortion to be murder. Gun control advocates consider….well, they consider murder with guns to be murder. Therefore, the debates are too important to either side to simply abandon.

      I would point out that your last two paragraphs show that “conservatives” like you care more about imposing their moral values on others than the fiscal responsibility they used to preach, but let’s not have this discussion implode with anger as soon at it starts, shall we?

  2. The next step is to reason that refraining from getting pregnant when it would otherwise be possible is effectively the same as an abortion, and therefore ban contraceptives.

    You may think I am joking, but I don’t have the imagination to come up with this. this is reasoning that I have actually seen on the religious right, and of course is sort of the traditional Catholic position.

    1. YOU may think your exaggerating but a recent law being thrown around in Ohio would ban private insurance companies covering abortions AND include some forms of contraception that inhibits the embryo from implanting. So it’s not a stretch.

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