Jacob Wohl Reportedly Organized Fake Counter-Protest To His News Conference About Fake Buttigieg Allegation

That guy is all the way down the rabbit hole!

You need a “previously on” narrator to keep up with it.

Previously on:

  • Wohl first claimed there was a sexual scandal involving Mayor Pete
  • That was exposed as something Wohl concocted
  • In order to defend himself, Wohl called a press conference
  • Wohl’s partner tweeted, “Hundreds of leftist protestors are set to descend on our Wednesday Press conference. We WILL NOT surrender to the mob!”

Which brings us to today’s story:

  • Wohl also may have created the fake protest against his own appearance to defend the fake scandal!

This is not the first time Wohl and his partner have been caught scamming. They are the same guys who supposedly had proof of a Robert Mueller sex scandal. If you’ll recall, they also created an “intelligence agency” as the source of their research, in which the pictures of the agents consisted of Wohl and various Hollywood stars!

I admit their buffoonery is hilarious, but I’m curious how they’ve avoided jail. A lot of these shenanigans sound like more than just political dirty tricks. It sounds to me like there are some crimes in there.