Hickenlooper fever – catch it!

John Hickenlooper Celebrates Finally Polling At 2 Percent By Urging Us To Giddy Up

Loops is on the move!

I’ll be serious for a moment. Although I ridicule Loops constantly, the fact is that I have to give him a tip o’ the Hatlo hat (there’s a reference so obscure Dennis Miller would have to look it up). He’s now tied with Beto and Booker, and nobody would have predicted that a few weeks ago.

Or ever.


What’s most interesting in the poll is a longer-range look at the trends, now versus March.

The biggest change is that Bernie has lost eight points while Pocahontas has gained eight. I suppose this is because the left-most side of the party is gradually coming to the conclusion that Bernie is not electable in the general, while Warren is. He comes off as an idealistic and kinda lovable eccentric, while she isn’t so lovable, but seems to be buttoned-up and prepared to defend her positions.

The second-largest movement in the polls has been the disappearance of Beto from contention. In March he was polling a solid 8. Now he has gone full Looper.

You never go full Looper.

Although we assume the narrative that Kamala Harris made a great leap forward in the first round of debates, the fact of the matter is that she has only gained two points since March. That’s completely insignificant, given that Biden (her direct competitor for the centrist vote) has also gained two during the same period, so his lead over her remains at 23 points, exactly where it was four months ago.

Given that Warren is steadily taking Sanders’ support away, and that Harris is making no appreciable dent in Biden’s, the contest is now starting to take shape as Biden vs Warren, unless somebody else can somehow make a major breakthrough.

OK, Loops – make your move!

I’m nor sure what dramatic move is left to cut through the clutter. Bernie and Warren support free medical care and college. Yang even offers everyone free money. What’s left for Loops to attract attention?

By the way, today’s NY Times did a feature story on the ol’ Looper