Trump’s latest enemy: the UK

The USA doesn’t have a lot of friends left.

9 thoughts on “Trump’s latest enemy: the UK

  1. Funny, The Bent, because it was Republicans who were the ones behind the then B.S that President Obama who was lowering the standing of the United States in the rest of the world.

    Now that Trump really has lowered the standing of the U.S, you’re mindlessly regurgitating the Republican line of ‘we don’t care what the rest of the world thinks of us.’

    You’re obviously not a bot, but you may as well be.

    1. Republicans didn’t complain that Obama was lowering the standing of the US in the world. They complained that he was projecting weakness and abdicating American power and leadership (it was laughably called “leading from behind.”) Obama operated from the principle that it’s more important to be loved than respected, which is idiotic, so he went around the world apologizing and badmouthing his own country.

      I don’t give a damn if other countries love us, as long as they fear and respect us. Of course our adversaries love it when America has weak leadership. Joe Biden seems to think that’s an argument for putting him in charge: he boasts that all the other countries would prefer him to Trump. I’m sure they would! Just like juvenile delinquents prefer substitute teachers.

      Even Obama’s own assistant secretary for East Asia admitted in a WaPo op-ed that Trump’s hardball approach to China is getting better results than their bowing and scraping did (I paraphrase.)

      1. Well, that’s the Republican talking points of what Obama did. Not really sure that’s any different than ‘lowering the standing of the U.S.’

      2. In regards to China, that could be true, but as with North Korea, Iran, Europe, Trump hasn’t actually achieved anything yet.

        There is the new NAFTA, which is not much different, but which I think is a slight upgrade on the old NAFTA. Trump may have also achieved something with Mexico over asylum seekers but we’ll see how that plays out.

    2. Obviously we need another war to improve our standing. You know, when Reagan’s administration armed Central American contras to help push forward the destabilization of the region that causes mass migration today. Or when we armed Afghan rebels against the Soviet Union, who turned out to attack us 20+ years later and defend themselves with same weapons we supplied them.

      Great work as usual conservatives. Spend a trillion toppling Iraq, and then drop another for the ISIL vacuum you created in its wake. I’m glad such deep, intricate thoughts as ‘projecting weakness’ go into these decisions.

      I’m sure it has nothing to do with the military industrial complex and how many Republican Congressmen have Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin lobbyist giving them millions for their campaigns.

      But why look deeper when you can just be a mouth breathing cult member who follows along blindly with simple anecdotes and add to their pocketbooks. Blargh flags!! Patriotism! Anthems!

      Glad you idiots are around, you’ve made quite a millionaires and Lockheed I’m sure.

    3. Oh, it’s not original? Well, that makes sense as anybody with any sense would recognize that you are bent.

  2. Gee, who could have predicted this knowing trumps personality and unwillingness to accept social norms

  3. He just got caught saying what every country thinks about your President and his administration, all this except the ones that are manipulating him for their own advantage… Which would be all your old enemies.

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