Anthony Scaramucci accuses Donald Trump of “mentally declining.”

Scaramucci’s comment is ridiculous. Trump isn’t declining. He has always been that way. He was 20ish and in business school when he inspired one of his teachers to call him, “the dumbest goddam student I ever had.

3 thoughts on “Anthony Scaramucci accuses Donald Trump of “mentally declining.”

  1. oh! I know he’s declining, or has declined since birth but I just hate stupid news sites like this and Russia Today

  2. Hey, National Enquirer was first to report on the John Edwards affair. The only thing that makes me doubt the Mooch quote is the low swear count. As for whether what he said is true, I’m with Scoopy on this one.

  3. Don’t believe anything this gossip rag says. The format is so inflammatory, it’s ridiculous.

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