Trump’s words are randomly ordered

Trump on Obama: “They could impeach him for the guns for whatever where guns went all over the place and people got killed, Fast and Furious. They could’ve killed him.”

I have no idea what language that is in, or what he is trying to say.

7 thoughts on “Trump’s words are randomly ordered

  1. I googled it: (CNN)Here’s a look at Operation Fast and Furious. From 2009-2011, the Phoenix Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), along with other partners, allowed illegal gun sales in order to track the sellers and purchasers, who were believed to be connected to Mexican drug cartels.

    During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the United States and Mexico.
    In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in the Arizona desert.
    Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
    Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice’s broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy.
    Operation Fast and Furious was not the ATF’s first “gun walking” investigation, which allowed illegally purchased firearms to “walk” out of gun shops. It was preceded by Operation Wide Receiver, which began in 2006.

    1. Classic unforced error. You got a bunch of narcs experienced at climbing the foodchain to the biggest dealer, doing the same thing for the prestige of busting a big gun dealer.
      Legalize (& optionally tax) the drugs, take the profit out, it won’t be worth the risk to rip them off.

  2. He’s one of those “I am your Leader” nuts who perpetually needs a rabid pack of mindless, baying wolves to rally with his megalomaniacal rhetoric. I’ll kick all the non-whites out of the country, build walls to keep them out, threaten other countries and grab pussy and cheat on taxes just because I can; I shall lead you all because it’s my destiny. This nutcase isn’t too far off from Hitler, psychologically. I’m rather enjoying seeing his current meltdown as he gets closer to being removed. The extreme vitriol, making up insulting nicknames like a schoolyard bully for anyone who disses him. I’m hoping the stress gets to him & he does a Hitler eventually, ending up with a gun in his bunker, babbling about what could’ve been if only all the traitors had remained loyal to him.

  3. what context was this? Transcript of one of his rallies? That’s he really goes stream of conscious

    1. The scariEST part for me is that after three years of this butthole having (&/or losing) a grip on the reigns of government, I’ve gotten to where I can tell not what he’s saying (obviously blather,) but what he THINKS he’s saying.

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