“Grossly immoral character”

Trump rages at a Christian magazine that called him “grossly immoral.”

“Jesus is only a savior because he was crucified. I like saviors who weren’t crucified.”




Like, for example, Donald J. Trump.

And his allegedly Christian followers are completely in lock step with that.


He is the shepherd, and they are his flock.

What would happen if Jesus came back to Earth tomorrow and chastised Trump for his sexual predation, and for his cruelty to children, widows, war heroes and Gold Star families? I’ll tell you exactly what would happen. The Evangelical Christians would dump Jesus and become Evangelical Trumpians, and the Bible would have to be re-interpreted to show that the booming economy of Jerusalem was destroyed when the industrious, job-creating money-changers were undeservedly cast from the Temple by the actions of some socialist lunatic.

One thought on ““Grossly immoral character”

  1. There is a saying to the effect that only the truth REALLY hurts. In this, as so many other things, Trump serves as an example.

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