Well, then, it must be true. Case closed!

We have wondered where exactly Trump got the utterly ridiculous idea that a company called Crowdstrike, owned by a rich Ukrainian, shipped the tell-tale DNC server to Ukraine. (Previous notes on this: 1, 2). Now we are certain.

“One former senior White House official said Trump even stated so explicitly at one point, saying he knew Ukraine was the real culprit because ‘Putin told me.’”

5 thoughts on ““Putin told me.”

  1. Practically everything he has said has been dishonest, ignorant, or unfactual, illogical. And he has 15,000+ fact-checked misstatements on record. That will get you debunked big time. Not to mention the bizarre tendency to listen to not Americans but Putin.
    Seth Rich? Crowdstrike? And you would believe a word that the rabidly anti-American (and all around loathsome creature) Assange would say. I stand corrected – you’re beyond pathetic.

  2. You know how nearly everything Trump has said for the past 3+ years has been “debunked” by the media. The late night shows and internet bloggers have a good laugh at Trump’s expense. Then 6 months later, Trump is proven right, but there’s never any mention of it again. No apology, nothing. Remember the wiretaps? Now it’s confirmed true, and Trump knew it all along!

    This Crowdstrike thing is another example. When it’s proven next year that Trump was correct, we’ll never hear any mention of it again. Crowdstrike looked at the DNC server – not the FBI – and concluded that Russia hacked it.

    Seth Rich (not a Russian) was an employee of the DNC/Bernie supporter. When he found out they were supplying HRC with the debate Q’s in advance, he stole the files from the server and uploaded them to Wikileaks. Julian Assange has confirmed this in a roundabout way. Seth Rich ended up murdered, and the Russia hack conspiracy theory was born.

    In February, Assange has an extradition hearing in the UK. He will be sent to the U.S. and I believe he will talk. He’s the only person alive who can confirm Rich, and eliminate Russia as the source of the “hack”. So as usual, it’ll never be mentioned again. Just add it to the list of apologies owed to our President.

    1. You don’t even know what Crowdstrike is, much less a server, so kindly shut the fuck up.

      You want to see how Russian infiltration works, go read about the NotPetya attack on Ukraine, or Wired’s investigation on the 2018 cyberattack by Russia on the South Korean Olympics. These are established outside investigations on Russia’s state funded attacks on infrastructure.

      But of course you won’t, because you don’t research, read, or study anything. Just like the usual mindless Trump supporter, you’re an uneducated inbred that think five seconds of a Fox News headline makes you an expert on something.

    2. All of Trump’s claims about Crowdstrike are either ridiculous or outright lies.

      First the facts: It is an American company located in Sunnyvale. It is publicly traded. None of the principals of the company are Ukrainian or have anything to do with Ukraine, although one of them was born in Moscow to Russian parents.

      But even if the facts were not in contradiction of Trump’s claims, whoever proposed this theory either knows nothing about computer systems or assumes that his target audience knows nothing. There was no single server, and even if there had been, anyone who wanted to hide something on that server would certainly not ship it somewhere intact, taking the chance that it could be intercepted. The guilty party could bleach it, or destroy the boards, or simply destroy the entire server, because servers are inexpensive.

      But even if none of that were true, anyone who would believe that Crowdstrike is a company owned by a rich Ukrainian in the first place, in direct contradiction of easily verified facts, would have to be incredibly stupid. Putin is probably not very tech-savvy, but Russia is filled with people who are, and they must have informed him that only a complete fool would believe the Crowdstrike theory, so Putin undoubtedly was aware of that.

      But he knew just the guy!

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