Burt Ward says his brain and his dick are just too darned big

Burt played Robin in the 1960’s Batman show.

“Actor claimed his bulge was considered ‘too large for television’

Yeah, my dick is too large, that’s the ticket.

Ward continued …

“I was a straight-A student at UCLA. In fact, the Dean at UCLA was upset with me when I left in my third year to do Robin because she said I should have been a nuclear physicist.”

Yeah, my brain is even larger than my dick, that’s the ticket.


If Ward is not currently satisfied with his employment status, it strikes me that he would make an excellent press secretary for you-know-who.

3 thoughts on “Burt Ward says his brain and his dick are just too darned big

  1. I read Ward’s worthless book, it’s full of the same cock-touting stuff. Luckily for him, he never got another acting job, so he had several decades to become a nuclear physicist. I wonder how that turned out? West’s book was slightly better, but also full of bulge talk & sexual conquests, Newmar among them. When I mentioned that in an Amazon review, his daughter contacted me via email and bitched me out. I conceded to her & adjusted the review, because hey, it’s Batman’s kid.

  2. I bought a clipping set of the Batman TV show off of Ebay. It seemed nearly all the guest actors (like the villian’s henchmen) said the same thing: Adam West was a total pleasure and Burt Ward was a total dick.

    A few of them excused Ward because he was young ‘if he’s still a celebrity in a few years, he’ll have a better understanding of how to behave’


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