
6 thoughts on “No witnesses

  1. The senate heard testimony from 13 witnesses during the trial. This “no witnesses” crap is gaslighting.

      1. Exactly. I’m not sure if those 13 witnesses were ones during the House phase, but they weren’t there during the Senate trial.

        The House phase was an investigation, similar to police bringing in suspects and witnesses to the station and asking them what happened and clearing up the details.

        The Senate phase was *supposed* to be a trial where, generally, witnesses are brought back and cross-examined under oath. Apparently, the Senate had no interest in finding out what happened because everyone already knew Trump was guilty, so why drag it out. But they still chose not to punish him for the crime. The whole thing makes the Republicans look corrupt and guilty.

  2. As far as I can tell, none of this makes any difference to Trump’s supporters. To me, this seems to be because they treat supporting Trump like supporting a professional sports team. It is not subject to rational thought, but only emotional attachment. Everything bad that anyone says about your team/Trump is ignored or rejected instantly as a lie, without consideration. They don’t often hear such things, because they only listen to media that tells them what they want to hear. Supporters of other teams/Democrats are reflexively ridiculed and hated in the abstract.

    I would like to be wrong about this, unless the reality is even worse. It is probably wrong to dismiss the people I disagree with as so unthinking. Yet the reasons some of the people here give for supporting Trump DO seem to be worse, like caring only about their money when it comes to politics. That was an acceptable attitude once. It is self-centered blindness now.

    1. No, this is the cult-like support of a dictator like Mao or Hitler, not the typically benign support of a sports team. Nothing less.

      It’s not clear why Americans thought the US would be any different than other historical democracies. They all go autocratic at some point.

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