Spicoli tells us how to control coronavirus – send in the marines!

CNN asks actor Sean Penn for military solutions to stop coronavirus

“So what Jefferson was saying was ‘Hey! You know, we left this England place because it was bogus. So if we don’t get some cool rules ourselves, pronto, we’ll just be bogus too.’ Also, there is no greater humanitarian force on the planet than the United States military.”

2 thoughts on “Spicoli tells us how to control coronavirus – send in the marines!

  1. Well sure Penn is a well-intentioned dip, but the real prize goes to CNN for putting him on and treating him like an expert. Who do they have in the on-deck circle, Clint Howard? Trump?

    1. I can’t really decide how to view the pandemic without some input from Carrot Top and the guy who played Finch in American Pie.

      And does anyone know Danny Bonaduce’s home number?

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