“Trump Says He Told Pence to Ignore Governors in Hard-Hit Areas If They Are ‘Not Appreciative’”

“I say Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington, you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan. If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call

5 thoughts on ““Trump Says He Told Pence to Ignore Governors in Hard-Hit Areas If They Are ‘Not Appreciative’”

  1. And how is it that this unfit president’s approval is up during pandemic? He and his admin did away with pandemic response unit which was created for current crisis.

    Trump was warned as early as Jan about this potential crisis but he went with his guts and downplayed for a while, saying things such as it’ll go away by itself (“15 to close to 0”), you can go to work if you’re sick or it’s democrats’ hoax, essentially wasting precious time.

    Now that it is a full blown pandemic, he wants to prematurely open up economy and undo social distancing against medical experts’ advice.

    What the hell has he done right on major points? Virtually none.

    You can never underestimate the stupidity of Americans.

  2. What else would one expect from a dictator? Personal fealty is more important than anything else, including citizens dying.

  3. Add that to the soundbite for the 2020 election.

    Hear that Michigan citizens? If Trump doesn’t like your governor, well, you’re fucked.

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