Which one of him is Tom Hanks and which is Wilson?

Wait, I know. It’s sarcasm!

11 thoughts on “Talking to himself?

  1. I get the impression from Steverino and Midwest Conservative that the Trumpers are now pretending that Trump did NOT suggest the internal use of disinfectants and UV light. What are their alternative facts concerning that? And who do they think believes them? I mean, why try and sell it to us?

    1. Listen, actually listen to the words that came out and don’t make up what you think he said. He stated they should look into these steps or measures. He didn’t tell anyone to go do these.

      There are studies that show the use of UV lights work in killing the virus. Use of these with air circulation measures could be a game changer for treatment of such bugs not only now but in the future.

      UV lights have been used in clinical or restaurant situations for decades.

      Unless it is a matter of shutting the country down indefinitely and becoming a complete welfare state what would you do. And don’t throw some stupid addtl social program at this problem.

      1. OK, so quibbling is the order of the day for Trumpers: Trump was suggesting something to an expert for research, not telling the public to run right out and do it. How do you get around the fact that his suggestion was the mental level of of 6-year old? Because the adults I know don’t consider injecting Lysol to cure a cold.

        As for you rambling about UV light, sure, that can be a disinfectant too. And Trump ALSO suggested taking it internally. Not what you are trying to change the subject to. He wanted to light up people’s insides. Once again, his inner 6-year old was doing the talking.

        As for your last question, I would boot Trump right out of office, and give Pence, who does not appear to the childish dimwit Trump is, a chance to let people who are actually scientists and economists advise him on what to do. This is a national medical emergency and requires people who actually know things, and not a con man who has failed at everything except fraud and self-aggrandizement. And whom you. apparently, think hung the moon.

      2. We do. The man is ignorant, dishonest, stupid, vengeful, and the world’s biggest finger-pointer.. So his actual words will always follow that pattern.
        And also mindlessly partisan, which is kind of amusing seeing he’s spent about half of his adult life as a Democrat (which he was at the time of the “grab em” remarks). Of course Trump has never been a true Republican or Democrat or conservative or liberal seeing that he has never had actual principles, fixed or otherwise. Not to mention that there is no real Republican Party nowadays.

  2. This statement uses the same logic as the claim that he told people to ingest bleach and Lysol.

    1. You say “claim” as if Trump did not actually do just that, Midwest Conservative. What are you “claiming” he said? (He may had referred to injecting rather than ingesting, if you are quibbling). And could you describe the logic that you mean?

    2. A miracle cure is the only way he gets re-elected. So he just keeps announcing one miracle cure after another – warm weather, spontaneous disappearance, hydroxychloroquine, drinking bleach. It’s his only move. Next he’ll get up there and tell us to clap our hands if we believe in fairies.

    3. “The same people who say they voted for him because ‘he says what he means’ are now busy arguing that ‘he didn’t mean what he said’.”

      –Stolen from elsewhere

    1. And The Problem just played a few battles of the bands around Providence in the early 90s then broke up.
      Still better than the Cure though.

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