Pompeo essentially admits his guilt

The inspector general who was dismissed had been investigating Pompeo for using State Department employees to run personal errands, and had been digging into the administration’s having inappropriately fast-tracked a Saudi arms deal.

“When asked whether the allegations were true, he declined to comment. ‘I’m not going to answer the host of unsubstantiated allegations about any of that,’ he said.”

Now in the history of the human race, no politician has ever passed up the chance to say “Of course not. There’s absolutely no truth to it at all.” Probable conclusion: guilty AF.

10 thoughts on “Pompeo essentially admits his guilt

  1. This guy is a cutting-edge 7-Commandment Trumpeo-Christian. He’s dispensed with the pesky not lying, not stealing, and no false idol commandments. Probably working on the rest.
    I don’t know which Trumpist types I despise the most. It’s down to the Christian (read fundamentalist) Right (“we know he’s he’s not perfect, but he’s giving us our judges, remaking America as a Christian country, and allowing us to legally say Merry Christmas again”) or the “Those tax cuts are making my 401 grow” sorts (we have a notable one of those here). I’m leaning toward the latter cuz they’re generally lucid enough to be aware of the growing debt bomb but don’t give a shit since that’s a future generations’ problem. I cut the Trump celebrity worshippers and Tea Party types a little slack because they were for the most part stupid, ignorant, and gullible to begin with.
    Pompeo checks two boxes – Tea Party and Christian right.

    1. Fake Christians is what they are. They’re no different than authoritarian Middle East countries, just not in power. They don’t actually give a flying shit about the underlying messaging of their religion, only what they can enforce on others.

      The whole rich man entering heaven/camel through the eye of the needle thing is conveniently ignored. They’ll gladly spend half a billion on Trump to go play golf basically every weekend for four straight years, and wouldn’t piss on a poor black man if he were on fire, if it came down to it.

  2. When you fire someone for investigating allegations against you, you don’t get to then dismiss the allegations as unsubstantiated. You fired the guy trying to substantiate them, asshole

  3. President Trump said it perfectly: “I’d rather have [Pompeo] on the phone with some world leader than have him wash dishes because maybe his wife isn’t there.”

      1. Yes, but you know Our Nimrod – any chance to change the subject, get peoples’ eyes off the ball…

    1. If you don’t have time to do your own errands you pay someone else to do it for you. You don’t want waste government resources.

      1. Yeah, but the point is the Saudis. Since that al-Quaeda tool shot up our airbase, we’ve resumed bringing Saudi airmen over here and training them. They claim they have “improved vetting”, but that still doesn’t explain why arming the Saudis isn’t whangingly stupid. These are the guys who did 9/11, remember.

    2. How about he has time for both? He’s not doing a damn thing anyway.

      There are plenty of idiots like Brobonk who complain about big government, but will gladly open their pockets to pay for Trump to go play golf or some rich crony to get some crooked deal.

      Drain the swamp? More like pipe the entirety of the US sewage through ionizing radiation and pump it into the water supply. That’s the equivalent of the Trump administration.

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