Man, those were the days when He spake as oft as He smote.

Note to the slow: Despite certification from The Creator of All Things, everything above is fictional, comparable to Trump’s tweets about Morning Joe. Carolyn does not exist. That is not a real Fordham report card.

Like Trump, I attended Fordham in 1966, and I still have all my report cards stashed away in a drawer.

  • They looked nothing like that. That style shown above is anachronistic. Graphics and computer print-outs were very primitive in the mid 60s.
  • There were no “minus” grades, and no D+ or F+. The only possible grades were A, B+, B, C+, C, D and F

8 thoughts on “The Lord spake

  1. UncleScoopy said: “Despite certification from The Creator of All Things, everything above is fictional, comparable to Trump’s tweets about Morning Joe. Carolyn does not exist. That is not a real Fordham report card.”

    So if I understand what you are saying here, UncleScoopy, YOU HAVE BEEN PAID OFF BY THE TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION AND ARE IN THE COVER-UP???!!!

    1. This is a parody of Trump’s attacks on Morning Joe. Morning Joe’s father-in-law was a founding director of the Trilateral Commission.

      Can you see how it all ties in?

      (If so, explain it to me.)

  2. But it’s a Good Question: *did* Donald Trump commit murder? Many people are asking. I don’t know.

    Turnabout is fair play…

      1. Believe me, its all over Twitter, Facebook, etc. Great, great unbelievable guys are saying it.

      2. Many people say it’s true, I don’t know if it is, but I hear many people saying it’s is.

        I have never met the man, but they say he may have.

      3. Thank Jesus (who Trump totally believes in, big league) that he is drafting a big beautiful executive order to crack down on people fact-checking this kind of thing. Take that, literal media!

        1. Sorry, trickle-down Jesus is busy taking requests from Republicans, stock brokers, and evangelical cult leaders on how to increase their net wealth while also being pious about it.

          Jesus of Nazareth is waiting in some deportation cell for attempting to give a refugee a better life, believe me, not American at all.

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