“KPOP” is “on notice”

No! Not the dreaded “notice”!

After being informed that they were already on notice, Dean Wormer placed the “KPOP” crowd on double secret notice.

14 thoughts on ““KPOP” is “on notice”

    1. Oh, I love that bit, shiloh! It can be adapted to just about any occasion where you’ve been caught red-handed.

  1. When are people going to realize that KPOP is really the super secret music division of KAOS? Wake up people!

  2. I love the big “Do you hear me?” finish. So intimidating.
    Hey we fought a whole war to protect South Korea from communism. This must be their ‘Lafayette, we are here’ moment in our fight against fascism.

  3. To all who question, KPOP, culturally, in Korea, has EXTREMELY loyal fans. Pathologically loyal. Okay, I’m being nice. Psychotically loyal. Several boy band members have gone awol from their contracts and effectively defected to Canada or the US to get away from obsessive psycho fans in Korea and other parts of Asia will have injured them while literally trying to rip them to pieces in a frenzy.

    US KPOP boy band fans are also very loyal and organized, but they’re far away from their idols. What’s a group of extremely organized and kinda nutty women and teens to do? Well, apparently, become a small activist army against the Bunker Bitch.

    It really has nothing to do with the music, as KPOP is completely corporate. Korean pop music isn’t like the US music business. They don’t pretend these are artists. They are hired as kids, trained in performing high schools as “trainees” and introduced as groups like we introduce new car models. There’s zero controversy allowed. No politics. No sex. No drugs. No nothing. Clean and sanitized.

    So this is entirely the US fan base. Which makes “foreign interference” even funnier. Korea is gonna laugh at this guy until the end of time if he actually calls anyone over there.

  4. OK. I thought KPOP meant South Korean pop music. Does it have some other meaning I don’t know about, the way the word “boogaloo” suddenly had a whole new significance? Or is this guy just as dumb as the governor of Florida (DeSantis?), who demanded that ICU’s admit only patients who needed INTENSIVE care? It is so hard to tell when someone is being ridiculous deliberately or accidentally these days. Another achievement of the Trump Adminstration!

    1. KPOP, without the hyphen, sounds more like a bad Portland radio station, but KPOP or K-Pop or K-pop is the SoKo pop sound, as you said.

      This comes up because K-Pop kids allegedly pranked Trump with false ticket orders for his Tulsa rally, when he crowed about having requests for a million tickets.

      The nutbag who made this post seems to fear the same will happen in New Hampshire, so he is wisely putting South Korean teenagers “on notice.” That’ll l’arn ’em.

      1. It reminds me of K-Tel.

        I heard a news story on them today. For several years in the late 1980s or so, because K-Tel had a kind of guaranteed section in many of the department stores that sold record albums and smaller labels didn’t, K-Tel was the only label that put out rap music albums that were then stocked in department stores. And, for many Americans at that time, the only place to buy albums was in department stores (except for those 14 albums for $.001 mail order deals.) Of course, they were compilation albums, but it’s still kind of strange.

  5. This is obviously nothing more than an individual attempting to be more Trumpian than either Trump or his Republican opponent. The Florida 18th Congressional district is already held by a Republican, Brian Mast.

    K.W Miller is running as an independent though and not in the Republican Primary.

  6. This part literally made me laugh out loud:

  7. I’m sure the Senate will impeach KPOP once they hear the evidence of this unacceptable scandalous interference by a foreign power into our sacred and heretofore pristine, political system. This will not stand!

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