Scarjo naked in Under the Skin – enhanced, enlarged

22 thoughts on “Scarjo naked in Under the Skin – enhanced, enlarged

  1. wasn’t attacking you personally just your statement cutting her down
    enough said your dumbass quote below

    “Say what you want but ScarJo looks a million times better with clothes on. Saggy breasts, frumpy ass, chunky legs, bloated stomach. Just very disappointing. I give her credit for being brave enough to go nude though”.

    1. randy,
      A) It’s steverino. The important thing to him is to knock Hilary Clinton. His opinion of Scarjo is pretty much irrelevant to that.

      B) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone is far more attractive if you like them a lot. Please see a discussion of Anna McKendrick in this forum as an example of that. UncleScoopy thinks she is average or less in looks; I differ, probably because I find her charming.

      1. I was joking about her looking like Hillary Clinton. Has everyone lost their sense of humor along with their minds? Scarjo is not my cup of tea. Anna Kendrick is definitely better.

        1. you sound like Trump when tries to correct an idiotic statement by saying he was just “joking.”

        2. Oh, no, Steverino. We’ve only lost our sense of humor with people who say they are not pro-Trump, and then attack or denigrate anything or anyone that is anti-Trump. And who are still taking potshots at Hillary Clinton in 2020, for crying out loud. The fact that she is your go-to for the opposite of feminine beauty says something about the way your mind works, S.

          1. Roger, I’m not pro Trump. That doesn’t mean I’m not a conservative. I’m a lifelong libertarian. I despise the social political platform of the right but I despise both the social and fiscal platforms of the left. I have no choice but to vote for trump.

          2. Wow, Steverino. I am impressed. You can somehow work it out in your head that voting for Trump does not constitute supporting him? That is some first rate doublethink right there.

            Also, in your mind, adhering to the principles of libertarianism, conservativism, and fiscal responsibility require you to vote for TRUMP? Trump, the guy who has been trying to organize his own secret police force? Trump, who wildly unbalanced the budget with his tax cuts for billionaires? Trump, who is uninterested in conserving anything other than his own wealth and vanity?

            That is so self-contradictory that it demonstrates that everything you say about yourself is a lie. You are not what you pretend to be; your own words reveal that. You are almost certainly some kind of right wing troll or paid foreign agent.

            Thanks for revealing yourself. Your contempt for us has exposed you, much as it is exposing the oligarchical ambitions of the American right.

          3. Roger you are so off base. I don’t vote for individual candidates. I vote for policy, I don’t like trump. He’s a fucking asshole. However his policy aligns more with my position than Biden’s. I want low taxes, less regulation, and strong national defense. That’s it.

          4. A true libertarian would vote for, you know .. the LIBERTARIAN party.

            I’ve never heard of a true libertarian conform to ‘well I have no choice but to pick from the two that the government has made available for me.’

            I’ve voted third party before, and I’m all in favor of more being on the ballot, it makes no sense for someone proclaiming to be a part of that movement NOT to vote for them. Even if they don’t win, hitting 5% would guarantee federal funding for the party.

  2. That’s what I’d imagine Hillary Clinton looks like naked. I’m sure Scarlett will be playin her in the biopic.

      1. Say what you want but ScarJo looks a million times better with clothes on. Saggy breasts, frumpy ass, chunky legs, bloated stomach. Just very disappointing. I give her credit for being brave enough to go nude though.

        1. first of all you need an eye doctor second your an asshole even to put her and Hillary in the same sentence. Third family is entertainment no one is even considering a movie about her and fourth even without seeing you you couldn’t even get close to getting a woman like Scarjo

          1. So Randy, your intelligent response is to attack me personally? I didn’t attack Nature Mom. I stated my opinion and then added additional feedback. I realize that liberals like to only hear niceties at the expense of the truth, but I’m being honest. It’s my opinion. You can have yours. And it’s funny having no clue about me you would make a statement that I “couldn’t get close to getting a woman like ScarJo”. In my opinion, every girl I have ever dated makes ScarJo look like a hobbit. In my opinion, by my standards, she’s not attractive in the slightest. Are you obsessed with her fame and money? Because I assure you I have far more money than she does.

          2. Actually after seeing how much she’s worth, I take it back about having far more money. However it’s close.

      2. Nature Mom, I think there is a sexual component to the Right/Republican/Trump supporter obsession with Hilary Clinton. It shows up in that Hilary-pizza-parlor-sex-slavery-ring story, for example. It may be a pretty straightforward thing to people who understand fetishes, but I don’t understand it and I don’t think I want to.

        1. Dark side? Dork side? I guess I can understand it as a hate-fuck sort of thing. Not just for right-wingers either. We ended up with Trump because it was her TURN ?!?
          Not my cuppa but y’know, Rule 34.

          1. Look, everybody thought Hillary was the absolute safe bet for the Democrats in 2016. That was the basis on which she beat Bernie. A friend of mine declared she could not lose, because essentially all women would vote for her. As I think UncleScoopy later said, Hillary Clinton is the inevitable winner in any election she runs in, right up until any other candidate enters the race. Then she loses.

            Now, Bob Dole? There was a guy who was definitely nominated because it was his turn. No argument there.

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