Trump shares bizarre videos and tweets by nutjob actor Randy Quaid

Cousin Eddie and Le Grand Orange – together at last.

Trump didn’t accidentally share one Randy Quaid tweet. He quite deliberately shared five of them!

Coming soon, their G-3 summit with Gary Busey.

9 thoughts on “Trump shares bizarre videos and tweets by nutjob actor Randy Quaid

    1. I will never understand the whole pardoning thing. It’s just ridiculous. For both sides. Obama had some super sketchy ones as well. When can we finally rid ourselves of these archaic political loopholes?

  1. When Trump saw Cousin Eddie’s daughter say “Daddy says I’m the best.”, he was like Get that man on the phone ASAP!!

  2. Forgot Chuck Woolery, who believes that “Everyone is lying about Covid. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust.”

    1. One of the few benefits of this time is that we get to clearly distinguish between those people with sense and those without. It is amazing how many people are completely rattle-brained.

      1. I wouldn’t have pegged Woolery as a mindless nutcase prior to his tweets. I remembered him as a smarmy, unctuous, kinda unintelligent host. When he came out & said Covid is fake news, I knew he belonged in the trash can with other Trump zombie slaves. Baio too – he may be even worse.

  3. Nutjobs attract nutjobs. I imagine he’ll be retweeting Roseanne & Victoria Jackson soon enough. They can all get together to discuss conspiracy theories & lost careers.

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