One of the great underrated nude scenes: Corinne Bohrer in Dead Solid Perfect (1988)

Aesthete did these collages long ago, but they remain the definitive work on the subject. According to Wikipedia, “Dead Solid Perfect was never released on DVD or Blu-ray.” and I could find no trace of it on the usual torrent sites except for an old VHS transfer.

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3 thoughts on “One of the great underrated nude scenes: Corinne Bohrer in Dead Solid Perfect (1988)

  1. Unfortunate that it’s never gotten a release on better media — besides Bohrer’s scene, which was fantastic, it was a pretty good movie. And Cousin Eddie hadn’t even gone insane yet.

  2. The guy on the stairs in the brown jacket is Dan Jenkins, the author. Wonder if he specifically asked to be in that scene.

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