What could be better than a naked model?

Three naked models.

Left to right: Emily Shriner, Megan Samperi, Lorena Medina.

2 thoughts on “What could be better than a naked model?

  1. And don’t forget other possible answers:

    A naked SUPERmodel


    Pallin’ around with Bill Murray and two models.

  2. That’s a very insightful answer, it shows initiative and outside-of-class learning. In fact I’m thinking of making it my default go-to answer for everything – Molecular weight of strontium? Three naked models. When was the Treaty of Versailles signed? Three naked models. Etc., etc…
    Full credit would also have been given for any of the following answers:
    A blowjob from a naked model
    A naked model painting my house
    Two naked models and a small team of experts thinking up new ways for them to be nice to me
    A naked model bringing me a nice cold beer while I read this page

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