A Gujarat government official has claimed that he is Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu, and can’t come to office because he is conducting a “penance” to “change the global conscience”.

Oddly enough, I used this same exact excuse to get out of my finals in Quantum Mechanics.

It worked just as well as other two scams I used in other courses:

– exercising the Divine Right of Kings not to take the exam in Point-set Topology.

– purporting to be the Chosen One to avoid the final in Comparative Religion. (Which I almost was.) Actually, my teacher believed this one, but logically pointed out that being Chosen did not automatically rule out taking this final. In fact, he argued, it should have given me the inside track.


Jeez, I wonder … Can the Chosen One ever be deselected? Maybe I could have been the Chosen One if the winner of the Chosen Pageant was for any reason unable to serve his term.

Which as near as I can recall, was all eternity.

So maybe I’m still in the running.

2 thoughts on “A Gujarat government official has claimed that he is Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu, and can’t come to office because he is conducting a “penance” to “change the global conscience”.

  1. “It is rather to be Chosen than great riches, unless I have omitted something from the quotation.” –Humorist Robert Benchley

    (Proverbs 22 begins “A good name is rather to be chosen…”)

    One of my favorite long-gone purveyors of sarcastic, punny 1-liners. Benchley also came up with: “One, two, three. Buckle my shoe.”

    Also liked these 1-liners by book critic Moses Hadas: “Your book fills a much-needed gap.” And: “I have read your book and much like it.”

  2. “I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.”

    Woody Allen (maybe from Annie Hall)

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