Gotta love Gillian Anderson

This seems to be a color version of her PETA ad, but the PETA image descends farther down her body, so we still don’t see the full monty. As a commenter points out, she was either wearing a crotch patch during all or part of the shoot, or one was added digitally. See below.

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An extreme close-up seems to indicate that the crotch-patch was digitally added to the image. I am wondering whether both images are just Photoshop products. We know where the B&W images came from, but those color versions don’t seem to have a provenance that can be clearly established. As far as I can tell, they just appeared without attribution. And why are her eyes the wrong color in the “patch” version? I’m suspecting that both of these were created by ‘Shoppers by editing and colorizing the PETA images. But I don’t know that for a fact.

3 thoughts on “Gotta love Gillian Anderson

    1. Hmm… gotta wonder if the patch was digitally added into that pic. If not, they actually drew in the c-section scar (or whatever that line is that runs right under the top of the patch). You’d think it would be easier to erase it.

      1. Under extreme magnification there are signs that the crotch patch was added digitally after the fact. It does not blend well with the rest of the image.

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