In case you were curious …

… what Denise Richards looks like topless these days.

It’s difficult to believe that the Wild Thing could be in her 50s. How did so many years go by so rapidly? But the calendar doesn’t lie. I have now been writing the Fun House for 27 years, Other Crap for 20.

Here’s a look at a 2003 edition of Other Crap after I converted it to Blogger’s platform in 2007. It is dated 2003, and those are 2003 links, but that’s not what the site really looked like when I first published it in 2002-2003. Those links got retro-fitted into Blogger’s template. When first published, the site was just a really primitive list of links, with little comment. I created it because the Fun House was becoming too large and unwieldy, and the “other crap” was distracting the focus away from naked celebrities. (The Original Fun House once included all the features now spun off to the Ballpark, the Movie House and Other Crap.)

OC first started to look something like today’s page in 2007, but it was still just links, notes and reader comments. The images didn’t really become a regular feature until I switched over to Word Press in late 2018.

One thought on “In case you were curious …

  1. June 28th, 2003 David Carradine’s ex accuses him of deviant possibly deadly sexual behavior. June 3rd, 2009 David Carradine dies from deviant sexual behavior.

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