Les Actrices Françaises Nues à l’Ecran is updated with the latest French nudity

Charlie presents the special December 23rd Festivus edition. Interestingly, the French word for Festivus is “Festivous,” but it is pronounced fahs-tee-VOO. (Special note to the very slow: I made that up.)

New pics 12/23 – if you don’t see thumbnails below, this link should work

Happy holidays.

Aurore Delplace in “la vengeance sans visage”:


Lola Bessis in “Scred TBD”:

Doria Tillier in “canailles”:

Alix Poisson in “jeux d’influence”:

Alice Rahimi in “les nuits de Mashad”:

French version, with extensive comments

Charlie’s archives – thousands of pics, no ads, no password required