Beach time for Florence Pugh

8 thoughts on “Beach time for Florence Pugh

  1. She looks horrible here, but even at her best, she is pretty nothing special in my book.

  2. In these pics she looks built like a kid. So maybe it’s pedophiles that are giving her a thumbs up. She was great in Black Widow as Fallen said. Since then I haven’t seen anything that where I have found her appealing or even interesting. Just the opposite. And her edginess seems more adolescent or maybe contrived to offset her physical short comings. Ok that sounded horrible coming from and old man who is far past his prime, but this site is about boobs and attractiveness and not about talent, intelligence or heart.

    1. Yeah, unlike Black Widow there was never that same kind of sex appeal from her. She’s kinda pretty and all, but I never really wanted to see her naked or anything.

      That’s why Scarlett Johansson really should have won the nude scene of the year for Under the Skin. It was Black Widow f-ing naked! And not one of those “before she was famous” kind of things, but rather a contemporary nude scene. Although she did lose to Daddario. Which is kinda like losing to Jordan.

      1. That year it was like a Magic-Bird-Jordan thing with Daddario, ScarJo and Margot Robbie. You can’t lose taking any of the three.

  3. Number One in my personal “I don’t get it” rankings. Mediocre face, dumpy body, and junk in the trunk. No, thank you.

    1. You say junk in the trunk like it’s a bad thing – anybody he saw dat booty in Lady Macbeth & doesn’t wanna grab a mouthful is comatose

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