Well, I managed to outlive The Belz

He has looked dead for the last decade, so a tip o’ the hat to him for endurance. He was 78, but looked like my friends’ parents, who are all in their 90s.

“His last words were, ‘Fuck you, motherfucker.'”

R.I.P. Richard Belzer

8 thoughts on “Well, I managed to outlive The Belz

  1. I think it behooves us all to plan our last words in advance–even more important than making out your will. I like the idea of pointing at a total stranger and croaking, “You did this to me.”

  2. I think he might’ve been mentally ill to some extent. He was a ravenous conspiracy freak, the worst kind: evidence or lack of it doesn’t matter, his and others’ paranoid fabrications are all that matter. I remember when Vincent Bugliosi put out a massive book that used concrete facts to put to rest all the insane JFK conspiracy theories, and Belzer made a big stink in the media about it, preferring to ignore the evidence & continue on propagating the garbage. Never even bothering to read the Warren report. That told me, here’s a guy who’s so obsessed with the fantasies that reality is irrelevant to him, which is not a sign of a sane person.

    If his last words were Fuck you, motherfucker, that doesn’t surprise me. I expect he was talking to the phantom villain who poisoned him or whatever in his own mind. Probably the dark shape hiding behind the grassy knoll, or Bugliosi’s ghost.

  3. Maybe lay off celebrity deaths for awhile as it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy, eh. 😮 Just sayin’ …

    1. The only thing to change my sense of humor would be death itself.

      There is no way I could ignore a guy whose final words were, “Fuck you, motherfucker.”

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