“I Will Have My Say in Due Course”

John Bolton offered that enigmatic and ominous promise about his service with and exit from DJT.

Bolton vs Trump – who cares? Vince McMahon did not become that rich by getting heels to face-off. Ya gots ta have a babyface.

Although I would not object if the face-off occurred in the one place where all celebrity feuds should be settled – Thunderdome.

7 thoughts on ““I Will Have My Say in Due Course”

  1. Everyone has an ominous promise about exposing Trump. Just like Nadler has evidence of collusion with Russia, but he’s holding it for a rainy day I guess.

    I hate to break it to you, but if anyone else had anything on Trump, we’d have seen it by now. Remember Alva Johnson? That lawsuit ended in a hurry when Trump released a video showing she was just another liar.

    Anyway, back to Bolton, he was hired for one reason – he’s a warmonger. Iran & NK hated him, and knew Bolton’s reputation well (he once said we can use the Libya model for NK). He was there to pose a real threat of war and give us a better negotiating position – and it worked – we likely already have a deal with Iran in place. Possibly NK too. It’s just a matter of announcing one or the other at the right time.

    Trump has a way of hiring someone to do a particular job, then he’s finished with them once the job is completed (Scarramuchi Model).

    The timing is interesting to me – Bolton is fired just as it comes out that General Flynn is expected to be completely exonerated, and Mueller’s team of lawyers gonna have some explaining to do. Hiding Brady material ain’t gonna fly with Judge Sullivan.

    I say bring back Flynn as National Security Advisor as soon as he’s cleared of all wrongdoing.

      1. I disagree, he makes being stupid look easy. Chessmaster, hell. That Trump as vertebrate thing slays me.

    1. The new Flynn stuff is a smokescreen that has nothing to do with his criminal case. He can’t be cleared of wrongdoing because he already admitted it all. He was only charged with lying to investigators. He has admitted that he hid the substance of talks with Kislyak, and he has admitted that he lied about several aspects of his involvement with Turkey. He also was fired by Trump for telling Mike Pence the same lies. So he definitely did all the things they charged him with, and as a result he pleaded guilty. He was a model of cooperation, so the prosecutors recommended probation. So what’s to relitigate? He’s guilty as charged, admitted he was guilty, and formally pleaded guilty.

      His new strategy could really backfire. If he withdraws from his plea deal, the prosecutors could take him to trial and ask for jail time, and it’ll be difficult to avoid a guilty verdict because of the admissions he made after cutting the deal.

      1. Not only that, but wasn’t part of Flynn’s plea deal supposed to be leniency for his son? That would all go out the window, too.

    2. OK, you got me. I have to ask: what is this “job” that The Mooch did for Trump? I must have missed it, I only read the literal media. But it seems to me that he came in, made some crack about Bannon being his own best friend, and got bounced. You mean there’s more to it?

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