Miley Cyrus – lip-slip

5 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus – lip-slip

  1. Indeed they did.

    The quote is in the first two minutes of this clip. Unlike “The Expanse”, on the this spaceship, disco (with hula-hoops!) will very much be a thing. VASTLY more realistic, IMIHO. (The second I is for “incredibly”.)

    1. There are scenes of partaying & drinking in Expanse. This is a genre containing Star Wars & Blade Runner. Plenty of tropes to intersect with WRT which the genre seldom disappoints.

      I didn’t expect much at first. After I watched a few eps, I talked a friend who’s uppity like you into watching. Now he’s a bigger fan than I ever was & I’ve gone on to read the 1st 6 books. My fave SF auths are Asimov, Heinlein, Banks & then too many to name, like Blish, Brunner, Clarke, Herbert. Niven & Pournelle in there somewhere but just a phase I went thru.

      The Expanse is nowhere near that caliber. But compared to other TV shows, it’s a whole ‘nother level. Please accept my blessing to go ahead & form an opinion of a show from 1 freeze frame. I’ll form an opinion of you based on that.

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