Louise Linton, seen below in You Me Madness (2021), is married to that sexy hunk Steve Mnuchin, who up until recently was signing our paper money.

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5 thoughts on “Mrs. Mnuchin naked

  1. Wait, you missed the best part: she *directed* and *wrote* it too!

    I can’t wait for Stephen Miller’s movie, Triumph of the Miller.

    1. I tried to watch it. Difficult. It’s dark and snarky without being funny, which is an unpleasant experience for me.

  2. This film is getting some dreadful reviews.

    Louise’s Wiki page is well worth a read. She sounds a bit of a fruit-loop. There’s some really funny stuff about her experiences on the gap year in Africa (by funny I mean made up).

    Also a controversy over the Instagram photo she posted of herself accompanying her husband on a trip to Fort Knox on a United States government plane. She used hashtags to highlight the designer clothing and accessories she wore. Someone criticised her for this and Louise called the critic “adorably out of touch”, and suggested that she contributed more to the US economy and paid more in taxes than the woman criticising her.

    When this stirred up even more criticism and she had to make a groveling apology.

    Back in 2017, the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General opened an investigation into flights taken on a US Government Jet by Steven Mnuchin and Louise which took them on their honeymoon to Scotland, France and Italy. Never heard what the outcome of this was.

    But, despite all the above, she obviously has a very nice bum (two if you include her husband).

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