I’m not ready to buy in to Kidman as Lucille Ball

11 thoughts on “I’m not ready to buy in to Kidman as Lucille Ball

  1. The original casting on this was Cate Blanchett and Oscar Isaac and I find that a billion times better than what they wound up with here.

  2. I don’t think Kidman should do this. I have the feeling that this is a career-ender. Maybe that’s just because I always hated Lucille Ball in her “I Love Lucy” mode. She’s OK by me when she in the movies she made in the 30’s and 40’s, but “Lucy” always struck me at a embarrassing idiot, even when I was 6.

    1. As a kid in the 50s, I liked two things about I Love Lucy. Lucille Ball was not one of them.

      1) I enjoyed the Cuban music down at Ricky’s club.

      2) I liked Fred Mertz, who seemed to share my own world-view. In fact, before there was Dalton or George Costanza, I modeled my life after the wise teaching of Fred Mertz.

    2. I don’t know about career-ending, but if she doesn’t do a good job, (assume Cuban accent) “she’s gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.”

  3. In the movie, JK Simmons will be playing William Frawley and Javier Bardem plays Desi Arnaz!

    1. Simmons I get. He has the right personality for Fred Mertz.

      I’m still try to figure out how Aaron Sorkin is going to fit his typical long, pompous monologues into this. Do you think he’ll actually try to write natural dialogue instead of long-winded speeches?

    2. OK, but Javier MUST keep the Anton Chigurh pneumatic bolt weapon handy at all times.

    1. At least Kidman doesn’t look anything like that godawful statue they made of Lucy for her museum in Jamestown, NY (aka “Scary Lucy,” since replaced).

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