Women’s beach team handball – great sport or the greatest sport?

Posing a question in that format reminds me of some of the funniest examples. I think it was National Lampoon magazine that loved this cliche and asked questions like:

Canada: threat – or menace?
Gandhi: pacifist – or just plain yellow?

2 thoughts on “Women’s beach team handball – great sport or the greatest sport?

  1. I did not hear the “Threat…or menace?” question until the 1980’s, at which time it was being asked by someone about Ronald Reagan.

    1. In July 1971 the National Lampoon first used the phrase when their cover caption was “Pornography; Threat or Menace?”

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      After having read an article on Wikipedia, I have now concluded that they had sampled that phrase from their own earlier work at the Harvard Lampoon –

      “In 1968 the Harvard Lampoon published a parody of Life Magazine, which included a story called ‘Flying Saucers: Threat or Menace?'”

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      The infamous comic genius Doug Kenney was the editor of both publications.

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