Alexandra Guilmant can’t come to the phone …

She’s tied up at the moment.

2 thoughts on “Alexandra Guilmant can’t come to the phone …

  1. I have 2 brothers. About 25 years ago, my brother and his wife had a bunch of people over to their apartment for News Years Eve. The phone rang and our unmarried youngest brother (who didn’t live there) answered it. The caller asked to speak to a woman whose name my brother didn’t recognize and he assumed it was a wrong number. He decided that this was the perfect opportunity to act out something he had seen Danny Devito do in a movie. He replied to the caller: “She can’t come to the phone right now, she’s busy sucking my dick.” Then he hung up. He walked away from the phone and the person called back. This time my sister-in-law answered and it turned out the person wanted to talk to one of her friends who was a guest at the party. She was not very happy with my brother when she found out what he had said the first time the person had called.

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