Dave Barry’s Year in Review: Wait, wasn’t 2021 supposed to be better than 2020?

“We can say that it was marginally better than 2020. Granted, this is not high praise. It’s like saying that somebody is marginally nicer than Hitler. But it’s something.”

“The Capitol is invaded by thousands of people who are fiercely loyal to Trump and determined to ensure that his enduring legacy, as president, will be that he inspired a tragic, futile and utterly stupid riot at the U.S. Capitol.”

“President Biden proposes a fiscal 2022 federal budget of $6 trillion, to be raised by what the White House describes as ‘an exciting new partnership with Herbalife.'”

“The big story in August is the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, a country that, thanks to 20 years of our involvement, has been transformed — at a cost of many lives and more than $2 trillion — from a brutal, primitive undemocratic society into a brutal, primitive undemocratic society with a whole lot of abandoned American military hardware lying around.”

3 thoughts on “Dave Barry’s Year in Review: Wait, wasn’t 2021 supposed to be better than 2020?

  1. Just to be clear about it: Steverino’s argument tl;dr boils down to the 5-year old’s bulletproof mic drop, “La la la la la, I can’t hear you!”

    And flashing a wad of cash like it’s a degree from some elite college… Well, they both have the same intellectual force: Namely, fallacious, appeal to authority.

    1. While I’m at it, yes indeed, I “do think [Steverino] should pay for [other people’s kids] to go to preschool. And [those kids] to go to college. Because [they] weren’t able to pay for their own kids.” You nailed me. Guilty as charged.

      “Fuck you,” Steverino argues convincingly, continuing, “That’s my money for my kids.”

      “Sez you,” says I. “Your cash is bits of paper backed by the full faith & credit of the United States Treasury.”

      1. But he’d ultimately be paying to give America’s children accurate facts and nuanced perspective.

        Asking him to do that is like asking Superman to underwrite the kryptonite mining industry.

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