Criminal mastermind o’ the day

“At some point in the preceding hours Mr Ross had male genitals drawn on his face which enabled police to quickly track him down from a description of the culprits.”

Man, what a dickhead.

3 thoughts on “Criminal mastermind o’ the day

  1. There was a kid who went to high school with Jon Favreau, Jon Cryer, Dr. Lisa Suh (CEO of AMD) and myself who somehow had acquired the nickname “Penis.” I remember he was a short kid, but I don’t even remember his real name. (There were roughly 800 kids in my graduating class). But I remember we were playing flag football in the teacher’s parking lot during gym class. The Bronx High School of Science had great science facilities but not great athletic ones. During the game “Penis” tried to catch a pass but the ball went over his head. Somebody immediately yelled out: “Penis, you would have caught that one if you had been erect.” Oh I remember his real name. It was Jeff Bezos.

    The Bezos part is a joke, but the rest of the story is true. No names were changed to protect the innocent.

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