“Scandal Exposes ‘Dirty Underbelly’ of Pro Cornhole”

“Bag gate”

Key sentence: “Top cornhole players can make around $250,000 year.”

5 thoughts on ““Scandal Exposes ‘Dirty Underbelly’ of Pro Cornhole”

  1. I am not sure what “pro cornhole” is, and I do not want to find out, just in case it is what it sounds like. The risk of my ignorance involving me some kind of horrendous social faux pas seems like an small price to pay in exchange.

    1. In the north of Wisconsin we call this game “Bags” – except that we pronounce it “baygs.” (LONG “A”) The word “bag,” when going “up Nort’ dere,” should be pronounced like the first syllable in “bagel.”

      As for the noun “cornhole” or the verb “to cornhole” – those used to have a very different meaning – the one you are probably hoping not to know.

      1. There seems to have been a million names for the beanbag-toss game before they (inexplicably?) settled on Cornhole. A short list includes Baggo, Chuck-O, Hillbilly Toss, Soft Horseshoes, Tailgate Toss, Doghouse, Dummy Boards, and Dadhole. Really wish they’d gone with that last one.

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