Sharina van der Vliet naked for a swanky bullshit fashion show

Sharina van der Vliet at the Isis fashion awards.

“The Isis Fashion Awards (IFA) was held on Saturday the 10th of December 2022. The next IFA will be held next year in August 2023. The Isis Fashion Awards is an international fashion competition that is organized in the Netherlands. During the competition designers showcase their designs on the catwalk in front of an audience and jury. Prizes are then awarded to the top three fashion designers. The Isis Fashion Awards is the first fashion show in the Netherlands exclusively focused on accessories.”

Thanks to several commenters, here is a video of the complete show! It is full of naked women (and a few men as well).

6 thoughts on “Sharina van der Vliet naked for a swanky bullshit fashion show

  1. scrolled through the video… it is sort of sexy and hilarious at the same time….almost like a parody of fashion shows and nobody seems to be noticing that they are completely full-frontal naked…but oh yeah, great earrings

  2. This is a fashion choice that is suitable for a very small percentage of the population.

    1. Too true, they HATE a woman with her head uncovered. Not sure of their position on swank.

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