“We think androgens or male hormones are definitely the gateway for the virus to enter our cells. We really think that baldness is a perfect predictor of severity.”

Caution: “So far studies have been of relatively small numbers of patients.”

The above headline within quotation marks was from a Brit tabloid, so you can’t treat it with the solemnity you would accord the Journal of the AMA, but they may actually be onto something, even if they have sensationalized the science to create a paper-selling headline.

The company that discovered the link last spring, Applied Biology, more recently ran a study that tested the use of an androgen inhibitor (Proxalutamide) on COVID patients, and it seems to have been very successful in preventing severe symptoms and the progression of the disease.

As sensational as it seems to propose a correlation between baldness and COVID, the whole concept is actually plausible, given that some element of male biology seems to have consistently made males more vulnerable to the virus in country after country. In the USA, about 236,000 Americans under the age of 75 have died from COVID, consisting of 148,000 men and only 88,000 women. Although that disparity may have behavioral components, it seems that biology must also play a part, and it is reasonable (but not certain) to hypothesize that androgens may be involved, since they are only present in females in limited amounts.

That said, Proxalutamide also showed a fairly high level of gastrointestinal side-effects in the test, although a bit of nausea and diarrhea seems to be a fairly good alternative to death. Once again it must be noted that only about 260 patients were studied in the Applied Biology test, although the results were statistically significant even with so few degrees of freedom.

This is, honest to god, a real quote from Dave Ball, the chair of the Washington County Republican Party, talking about Senator Pat Toomey:

“We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing. We sent him there to represent us, and we feel very strongly that he did not represent us.”

To hear some folks on the fringe tell it, the U.S. Geological Survey, which reported the Dec. 9 earthquake, wasn’t telling everything. What really happened, they say, is that the U.S. military dropped a bunker-buster bomb on a hidden horde of 50,000 Chinese troops.”

It is wise to remember the words of the world’s wisest philosopher:

“There is no idea too daft for people to believe and even take credit for.”

“An ‘iconic ’90s hairdo’ for men–which involves a center part and face-framing bangs, and was once rocked by celebrities including David Beckham and Leonardo DiCaprio, among other ’90s-era heartthrobs–is making a comeback via the marketing team at McDonald’s Sweden. Why would McDonald’s Sweden care, you ask? Because the hairstyle bears an alleged similarity to the fast food chain’s signature Golden Arches.”

That headline is literally true.

Sorry, she is clothed, but this is kind of a must-see. Odd stuff. It looks like a scene from a lost Luis Buñuel movie. Weird framing because it’s a selfie. Dog in a head cone, staring at the camera. Brother apparently singing to himself in the background. Grammy awards framed in a display. Billie slapping her chest. There must be some story behind it, but I don’t know what it is.

Not that it matters.

As if the little buggers weren’t weird enough already.

They seem to be unrelated to the few other species that exhibit this characteristic, like flying squirrels and opossums. “One theory is that by absorbing and transforming UV light rather than reflecting it, platypuses can better hide from UV-sensitive predators.”