It has already been removed, but the internet, for better or worse, is forever. Here is the full-sized version

Trump seems never to have come across that famous proverb about people who live in glass houses. One of his professors, long before Trump entered politics, called him, “the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”

AOC’s response was to the point:

The alleged Trump report card pictured above is a ridiculously bad forgery. Donald and I were both students at Fordham University in calendar year 1966. Here is what the grade reports looked like in that era.

And here is what the grading system looked like in the late 60s. (It was identical in 1966, except without the “P”

So the problems with the forgery are:

1) It is anachronistic. Nothing looked that sophisticated in 1964-66.
2) Many of the grades on that report did not exist at Fordham then. In that era, there was no A-, B-, C-, D+, D- or F+. Many of the old-time teachers didn’t even like the new-fangled “plusses” and awarded only A, B, C, D, F.
3) The course numbering is wrong. In that era, the second semester of an intro course at Fordham would be numbered 12, not 102. That changed in the 67-68 year, but Trump was gone by then.
4) All real grade reports from Fordham in that era are clearly dated “Jan” or “June” of the appropriate year, marking the month after the conclusion of the semester, as shown above. The fall semester of 1966 would be dated “Jan 67,” as shown above. The spring semester would be dated “June 66.”

Feel free to share this in any way you like.


I will certainly be happy to compare grade reports with The Donald for that 1966 year, and will be pleased to add a large side-bet to the winner (me).

In fairness, Trump was not a D student at Fordham (as pictured by the fake grade report). Two people who saw his grade reports said they were in the C+ to B range. That’s not bad, but Mary Trump points out in her book that Trump’s sister did all his home assignments for him, so I suppose he would have not done that well on his own.

He can’t stand for anyone else to get attention, particularly when they use the spotlight to diss him non-stop, so you know he will come up with one of his biggest distractions today or tomorrow or the next day, in order to move the focus back from the Democratic convention onto himself. You know it will be big and outrageous. What are your guesses?

  • Will he arrest a major political opponent?
  • Will he pardon some major criminal like Manafort?
  • Will he insist that the election will require a do-over if there are too many mail-in ballots?
  • Will he sell fracking rights to the national parks to Exxon?
  • Will he sack Ben Carson and replace him with Roger Stone?
  • Will he support Q to write the GOP platform?
  • Will he announce the beginning of construction on having his head added to Mt. Rushmore?
  • Will he announce that he’s replacing Pence on the ticket with Sheriff Joe?
  • Will he begin bombing Iran?
  • Will he announce that we will leave NATO and start a new Warsaw Pact with Putin and Belarus?
  • Will he announce the “mysterious” death of Michael Cohen?
  • Will he sell the USPS to the My Pillow guy for two cents on the dollar?
  • Will he announce that his next nomination to the Supreme Court will be Julian Assange?

C’mon, you know it’s coming. What will it be? Your guesses …

Or at least two studio heads. She really gets around!

“Movie studios are crumbling for many reasons right now, but one less discussed reason seems to be that their executives keep getting involved in sex scandals that involve the actress Charlotte Kirk.”

Kirk will play Nicole Brown in the upcoming “Nicole and O.J.”

The only nudity that I know of in her career came in the immortal cinema classic Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge (below)

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