Ross Perot’s presidential campaign is now officially over.

I’m pretty sure that this time, unlike 1992, he won’t be jumping back in.

He won 19% of the popular vote in 1992, the most of any third party candidate in the past 100 years. He might even have won the race if he hadn’t quit for a while. On June 15th, Time Magazine reported that he was the front-runner by a wide margin, preferred by 37% of voters, compared to 24% each for Bush and Clinton.

I guess you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, so I probably shouldn’t mention that I knew several people who worked for Perot at EDS and they all, without exception, felt he was a complete asshole, including the ones who became millionaires thanks to Perot.

But I’ll mention it anyway because, although he contributed a lot to various humanitarian causes and was right about many things, Perot was above all an annoying, self-absorbed little fuck.

Update from the comments:

Ross Perot is currently lobbying for a third choice, citing the corrupt dichotomy of Heaven and Hell.

4 thoughts on “Ross Perot’s presidential campaign is now officially over.

    1. My grasp of theology sucks, but I don’t think purgatory is an eternal alternative to heaven and hell. I think it’s just like a local train to heaven for people who have committed too many sins to earn an express ticket to heaven, but not enough sins to merit eternal derailment.

      If I recall, some Catholics used to believe (maybe still do) in a permanent third state of eternity called limbo, which is for those who are pure but unbaptized, or something. I forget the details. Maybe that’s where Perot would like to set up camp.

      1. I believe that is correct as far as it goes. As far as I know though, most Christian theologians don’t believe there is a Hell, at least not after Jesus returns to earth. The idea is that those who are righteous will live on (or their soul will live on) for all eternity, while those who are not righteous will simply be dead as their soul will be destroyed.

        So, no soul goes to Hell, at least not for all eternity.

  1. Ross Perot currently lobbying for a third choice citing the corrupt dichotomy of Heaven and Hell

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