If you are familiar with the highly detailed Gospel of St Polycarp, you are aware that this same thing happened at the birth of Jesus, when the Magi failed to tie up their mounts. Not only was Bethlehem a traffic nightmare, but the camels shook off their saddlebags and there was myrrh everywhere. If you are particularly religious, you may have made a pilgrimage to Bethlehem for the annual commemoration of the event at the Myrrh-Fest and Gefiltefish Picnic. There are those who say that the Bethlehem sewers still reek of myrrh to this day, and Sewers International Magazine usually chooses them as #1 in its Best of Shit awards for their “woody, warm, aromatic and pungent” character.

From Soused Stepdad:

“Sophie Mudd is one of those girls about whom you say ‘Did you see the tits on her?’ I can’t even tell if she’s hot or not because I’m just distracted by the big tits. You could argue that by default that makes her hot, but I would argue that by default that means she doesn’t even exist as a person, but is rather just a host body for the tits. The tits, like parasites, take over her total fucking existence.”